Order Cancellation

Cancellation may be made in the following cases:

1) Before you make your order, during the electronic order process you can press “back” and remove the quantities of products from your basket by clicking the “remove” button.

2) If you have completed the online order but not yet shipped the product you can send a email to and one of our employees will take over the cancellation of your order.


As soon as you receive you order you have to check your product. In case you see a differentiation at the product you must contact with us through e-mail at the same or the next working day. Any request after this deadline will not be accepted.

If you wish to change or return the product you purchased - and only if the product has not been used and is in its original condition - you should contact us at, 14 days from the date of receipt and send the product back within 3 days from the date of contact with the our refund department. Changes or returns and refunds cannot be effected on products that have been modified from their original condition (color, holes, size) either by the customer or by us instructed by the customer.

The customer makes the return at his own expense and is charged for sending the replacement at the normal shipping cost (depending on the country of destination). For countries outside of EU, sender has to designate to their respective shipping service (e.g. Post, Courier, etc) that they return previously purchased products at the destination country for exchange with another product or refund, so as to avoid duplicate custom charges.

Incorrect shipments / defective products

If the product you received does not coincide with the product of your order or is faulty, you should contact us at within 2 days of the date of receipt and send the product within 3 days of your date of contact with the refund department.

In this case, replacement is free of any charge for the customer.

Refund / Right of Withdrawal

If for any other reason you wish to return the product you purchased and you are not interested in replacing it with something else, you should contact us at within 5 days from the date of receipt and carry out the product return within 5 days from your contact date with the refund department. Once the return has been effected and we conclude that product has not been used and is in its original excellent condition, you will be refunded the total amount of the product value you paid, excluding shipping costs and cash on delivery surcharge (if applicable). If the payment has been effected by with cash on delivery, the refund will be effected by Bank Deposit to the account of your selection within 14 days from the date of receipt of the returned product by us.

In case of a refund, the customer is charged for the return of the product, as the return of the product should be done at your own expense.